Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out how Nerdu Badji Education Pty Ltd (“we”) treats the privacy of customers, users of our online services and website, suppliers and others with whom we interact.  

We respect the privacy rights of individuals and are committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Australian privacy laws.  This policy details how we collect, store, use and disclose personal information.

In this privacy policy, the term “personal information” has the meaning it has in the Privacy Act (1988)(Cth) and includes information (including opinions) about an identifiable individual, including names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, photographs, shopping preferences and requirements, likes and dislikes, and if and where applicable, includes information that constitutes “sensitive information” as defined under the Privacy Act.

1.            Collection and Storage of Personal Information and Data

We collect some personal information about individuals.  Our usual approach is to collect personal information directly from the individual concerned. 

The personal information we collect from you could include your name, email, telephone or address contact details, birth date, image/photographs of you, driver’s licence information, details of your employer, social media information, shopping preferences and requirements, and credit and payment related information.  In most circumstances we do not collect “sensitive information”.

We collect personal information in circumstances including the following:

(a)          when as a customer you establish an account with us and to do so provide your details;

(b)          when you order goods or services from our website (including if you do not complete such orders) or we take a record of your information for the purpose of placing or completing orders in store; 

(c)          when processing returns or exchanges; 

(d)          when you telephone us or visit our website and provide feedback, or you make an enquiry to which a later response is requested and to do so requires your contact details;

(e)          through written correspondence from you, including letters and emails;

(f)           through surveillance cameras at our stores;

(g)          when you ask to be included on marketing distribution lists, sign up to our website or interact with us on social media;

(h)          when you otherwise register for or subscribe to one of our online services;

(i)            when you enter a competition, special promotion or survey; and

(j)            when as a supplier, your contact and other details are provided; and

(k)          when we receive applications for employment and when evaluating job applicants and personnel, which may include collection of details such as employment history and educational qualifications.

We may use ‘cookies’ to collect data (typically not personal information) relating to your general internet usage.  This data may include IP-addresses, browser versions, number of visits and similar such data relating to your navigation of the internet and our site.  A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer or device’s hard drive.  Cookies help us to improve our site and to deliver a better and more tailored service, for instance by storing information about your preferences and allowing us to recognise you when you return to our site.  

You may refuse to accept cookies by activating settings on your internet browser. However, please note that if your select such settings you may be unable to access certain parts of our website.  

We hold personal information in our own secure databases, and, to some extent, for marketing purposes in the database of our marketing consultancy partners (subject to obligations regarding privacy and confidentiality) to conduct electronic direct marketing, in accordance with legislative requirements. 

2.             Use and disclosure of Personal Information

We use the personal information collected from you for the purpose it was provided or collected, including in the following ways:

(a)          For the purposes of collection described in (1) above;

(b)          To manage our relationship with you and perform our obligations under the agreement you conclude with us when purchasing goods and provide you with tailored customer service and assistance;

(c)          To respond to enquiries received from you;

(d)          To process, confirm, fulfil and update you about your orders and to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us;

(e)          To perform authorised financial transactions with you (including on our website through third party providers);

(f)           To verify your identity and to assist you if you have forgotten any user name or password;

(g)          To communicate with you and provide you with information (whether by email, post or other means) about our goods or our services, where you have requested or consented to receiving this from us or where this provision is otherwise permitted at law;

(h)          To notify you about changes to our provision of goods and services;

(i)            To allow you to participate in interactive features of our services, when you choose to do so;

(j)            To enable third party marketing agencies and providers to advertise our goods and services to you where we have your express or implied consent to do so;

(k)          To tailor specific product offerings and marketing communications to you, based on your preferences and habits;

(l)            To enable you to enter competitions we run;

(m)         To facilitate your participation in surveys we (or a third party on our behalf) run where you volunteer that personal information;

(n)          To interact with you through social media platforms if you elect to use such platforms, subject to the platform’s privacy policy;

(o)          To receive and address and possibly publicise complaints or feedback from you;

(p)          To protect our legal interests and fulfil our regulatory obligations (if and to the extent necessary), including without limitation, for the purpose of contact tracing; and

(q)           in other circumstances, with your prior consent.

We may use personal information for the purposes of marketing our goods and services but only where such use complies with applicable legislation.

All customers and others with whom we interact have the option to opt-out of receiving marketing communications from us.  If you do not wish to continue to receive electronic marketing communications from us and/or selected third parties you should opt-out by clicking on the unsubscribe link in any email communications that we might send you, or by sending an email to

We may also provide personal information to third parties outside our group companies for limited purposes, such as to help us in providing goods and services to customers. 

Those persons and business may include: 

(a)          Organisations who carry out fraud and other security checks and credit reporting bodies, as described below;

(b)          Our online payment gateway service providers, for the purpose of facilitating payments;

(c)          Couriers, freight and delivery businesses (where we arrange to deliver goods to you or persons you have requested us to send deliveries to); 

(d)          Third party software providers who store details of customer accounts for us or who provide other IT services;

(e)          Our professional advisors, subject to confidentiality;

(f)          Our marketing consultancy partners and software platform providers engaged by us to disseminate materials to which recipients have consented (including through managing our database).

3.            Other disclosures

We may also disclose your personal information to third parties outside our group of companies: 

(a)          Where we have your express permission to do so;

(b)          Where it can reasonably be inferred from the circumstances that you consent to the disclosure to the third parties;

(c)          If all or substantially all of our assets are acquired by a third party, in which case personal information which we hold about our customers may be one of the transferred assets (subject to the same constraints on use and disclosure as under this policy); and

(d)          If we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to enforce or apply our terms and conditions or to protect the rights, property, or safety of our personnel or  customers . This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. 

We limit the information we provide to third parties to the information they need to help us provide or facilitate the provision of goods and services to you.  We deal with third parties that are required to meet the privacy standards required by law in handling your personal information, and use your personal information only for the purposes that we gave it to them. 

4.            Security of personal information

We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information, including internal and external security, restricting access to personal information to those who have a need to know, maintain technological products to prevent unauthorised computer access and regularly reviewing our technology to maintain security.

We treat website and credit card security seriously and endeavour to provide a secure, safe platform through which to conduct transactions.  

5.            Questions and concerns and access to/ correction or updating of your personal information

You have a right to access and correct the personal information we hold about you. To obtain a copy of the personal information we hold about you, please write to us at:

Please provide sufficient detail about the information in question to help us locate it.  We will then use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine if there is a problem and take the necessary corrective action within a reasonable time.

6.            Changes to our privacy policy

We may modify, alter or otherwise update this privacy policy at any time.  We will post revisions on our website.  We encourage you to review this policy from time to time.

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